PUPILS at a Bicester primary school have learned about the First World War with an art project on the theme of Remembrance.

Youngsters from Glory Farm Primary School created images featuring poppies and crosses for a display in the school hall.

Among those taking part at the 450-pupil school, in Hendon Place, were Year Six pupils Isabella Mulgan, Summer Riches, Mya Parslow and Ellie French.

Isabella, 10, from Bicester, said: “It made me feel sad because the First World War was 100 years ago and a lot of people died.”

This is Oxfordshire:

  •  Hannah Finn and Sallie-Ann Allen help to create the artwork

Glory Farm teacher Jane MacLachlan added: “Classes across the school have been working on World War One projects and pupils aged four to 11 created their own artwork with a remembrance theme.

“The artwork was displayed in the hall and parents came in to see it.

“Creating the pictures gave the children a chance to understand how the poppy became a symbol of fallen soldiers.”


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