Banbury residents were given a first look at some of the historic artefacts unearthed during a housing development excavation.

The finds, dating from Prehistoric Mesolithic to early Anglo-Saxon times, were discovered during excavations at Orbit Homes’ Calthorpe Gardens development.

More than 18,800 artefacts were found by Border Archaeology, who have been partnered with Orbit Homes on the site.

The remains of what is believed to be a small late Bronze Age to middle/late Iron Age settlement, alongside an Anglo-Saxon cemetery containing at least 52 individuals, were found.

This is Oxfordshire: There were also human remainsThere were also human remains (Image: Orbit Homes)

A range of handmade pottery, textile tools and rich grave goods including bead necklaces, pendants, personal objects and weapons was displayed to the public at Banbury Town Hall.

This gave attendees the opportunity to learn about the site's significant regional importance and its role in prehistoric and early Medieval Bretch Hill communities.

Janice McLeish, director of post excavation services at Border Archaeology, said: "The excavation at Calthorpe Gardens has been a career-significant experience for the team from our MK Facility and we’re amazed to have recovered such a vast number of artefacts that date back to several key periods in history.

"Given the quality of these finds we’ve been able to build a magnificent picture of what life was like for the communities that inhabited Bretch Hill in the past."