Residents have criticised traffic calming chicanes, claiming they've caused more problems to the safe flow of traffic than they were designed to alleviate.

The two traffic humps at the entrance to Market Square and near the junction with Marlborough Lane form chicanes with priority signs for single-file traffic on Corn Street in Witney.

But locals say they don't calm traffic - and certainly don't calm motorists.

This is Oxfordshire: Corn Street in Witney

One Witney Spotted user said: "The traffic calming isn't calming as it causes huge bottle necks. Open Corn Street to it's full width, it causes more problems than it is supposed to solve."

She added: "My husband and I walk into the town most days and see the mayhem in Corn Street by cars parked illegally with delivery lorries and vans as well. Sometimes we have to take the car into town for loads too heavy to carry.

"It's hell whichever way you want to get in."

Another added that if the council wants to save money, they should stop "painting yellow lines no one is policing", they suggested.

Others suggested delivery vehicles were a big cause of the problem and should be banned during the busiest part of the day while parents picking up children from the Batt School "seem to think it's sensible to park on yellow lines".

"This road is a nightmare in rush hour! Stupid people park on each side blocking the way," fumed one frustrated motorist.

Ten years after the traffic calming measures were installed outside his office in 1990 estate agent Martyn Cox complained to the county council, saying he was having to send his own staff out "to act as impromptu traffic wardens".

This is Oxfordshire: Martyn Cox

He told the Oxford Mail he was “a constant eyewitness to chaos”.

He said: “They have always caused chaos, but now more than ever. Parked vehicles, more buses and public misunderstanding of how to use the humps by blocking traffic are some of the many reasons why Corn Street is at a standstill for a considerable number of times each day."

He suggested Corn Street should become one-way.

Mr Cox is now retired but current senior partner Aaron Smith agreed.

"We see traffic issues all the time," he said. "It can get 'chaotic' and people get fractious. I've never seen traffic wardens in the problem areas."

But he added: "Delivery vehicles need to be able deliver to businesses. What's the solution?  Change it to a one-way system?"

Richard Martin, chair of Witney Chamber of Commerce, suggested the situation in Corn Street was being made worse by the "chaotic effect of council-led changes in central Witney, including the closure of the High Street".

He said it enforced his view that "the council is toying with Witney traders’ livelihoods, and it should re-evaluate how it proceeds".

Oxfordshire County Council insisted that all offences, including parking on double yellow lines, are enforced by Oxfordshire County Council’s parking enforcement officers.

If they wish people can report persistent offenders on the county council website.

The council said vehicles are permitted to stop on double yellow lines for loading purposes unless there is also a loading ban.

In theory it would be possible to put loading bans in place in busy periods, it said.