Farmers across Oxfordshire are being encouraged to take part in the industry's annual open day this summer.

Open Farm Sunday encourages farmers to share their stories and promote a positive image of the industry by welcoming visitors to their farm.

The event, organised by Linking Environment And Farming, is set to take place on June 9.

This is Oxfordshire: The open day will take place on June 9The open day will take place on June 9 (Image: LEAF)

Open Farm Sunday manager, Annabel Shackleton, said: “It’s a misconception that you need a blockbuster budget and an army of volunteers to host an event - that’s not the case.

“We’d really like to encourage more farmers to dip their toes in the water."

The Open Farm Sunday Handbook provides a step-by-step guide to hosting different types of events.

Registered farms can request free resources, such as badges, children's giveaways, and promotional materials.

Linking Environment And Farming research found that 62 per cent of last year's attendees wanted to hear more about farming stories.

This is Oxfordshire: Open Farm SundayOpen Farm Sunday (Image: LEAF)

As a result, the event seeks to engage and inspire visitors with topics such as soil health, biodiversity, and hedgerows.

Ms Shackleton added: "Open Farm Sunday provides a fantastic opportunity to communicate your achievements, high standards and commitment to sustainability.

"Energy and enthusiasm are the two most important factors for delivering a fun and memorable day.

"One in five visitors have never visited a farm before so what you consider ‘every day’ activities, are fascinating and a whole new world to most people.”