A kebab shop in Oxford that had previously been slammed for its dirty kitchen and chicken health risk has been criticised again by authorities.  

Kebab Kid in Cowley Road was initially handed a one-out-of-five hygiene rating on September 5, 2019, and was told that ‘major improvement’ was ‘necessary’.

The takeaway was scorned by those inspecting for several worrying issues including the storage of raw meat at the premises.

"At the time of my inspection, raw chicken was stored above read to eat food in the kitchen fridge,” stated the damning report.

"To avoid cross-contamination high-risk food and raw food must be completely segregated.

This is Oxfordshire: The eatery serves a selection of kebabs (file photo).The eatery serves a selection of kebabs (file photo). (Image: Archive image. Newsquest.)

READ MORE: Cowley Road kebab shop slammed for dirty kitchen and chicken health risk

“Where only one fridge is available raw food must be stored on bottom shelves where it cannot drip onto high-risk food ready to eat."

Oxford City Council’s Environmental Health team found there was no food-safe sanitiser or disinfectant available during their 2019 inspection.

"The same tong were being used for cooking raw and ready to eat/cooked foods and this creates a risk of cross-contamination,” added the scathing report.

“You must use different tongs/equipment or ensure adequate cleaning and disinfection between uses.

"We were told that items such as curry sauce are left to cool all day and are not refrigerated.

“To avoid the growth of food poisoning bacteria, high-risk food must be cooled rapidly and refrigerated as soon as practicably possible."

This is Oxfordshire: Oxford's Kebab Kid was handed a one-out-of-five rating in 2019.Oxford's Kebab Kid was handed a one-out-of-five rating in 2019.

READ MORE: Didcot kitchen handed back-to-back terrible hygiene scores

The kebab shop was inspected again by Oxford City Council’s Environmental Health team on Monday, March 18, and inspectors were left still far from impressed.

The report stated that improvement was ‘necessary’, handing the establishment a low two-out-of-five hygiene score.

One major cause of concern was highlighted as the report stated that improvement was “necessary” regarding the business’ cleanliness and condition of facilities and building.

This includes having an appropriate layout, ventilation, hand washing facilities and pest control to enable good food hygiene.

This is Oxfordshire: Kebab Kid pictured more recently in July of 2023.Kebab Kid pictured more recently in July of 2023. (Image: Google Maps)

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Aside from this problem, which cost the takeaway more than half the stars available, the kebab shop passed on the rest of the report’s criteria.

The hygienic handling of food including preparation, cooking, re-heating, cooling and storage was deemed to be “generally satisfactory” by the visiting inspectors on the day.

Likewise, the management of food safety was adjudged to be “generally satisfactory”, referring to the eatery having a system or checks in place to ensure that food sold or served is safe to eat.

This also includes whether there is evidence that staff know about food safety and if the food safety officer has confidence that standards will be maintained in future.

The Oxford Mail has approached Kebab Kid for comment.