Major plans to upgrade a south Oxfordshire hospital are set to be unveiled next month to the public. 

Wantage Community Hospital is aiming to claim a £600,000 investment to bring vital improved services locally.

Oxford Health, health partners and Wantage Town Council Health Committee with the local Wantage and Grove communities have been working to deliver a co-produced approach.

“Work is now underway on developing the necessary detailed plans for the hospital’s refurbishment being shared with local residents in May 2024,” read an NHS update released earlier this month.

This is Oxfordshire: Cllr Jenny Hannaby and Cllr Jane Hanna OBE.Cllr Jenny Hannaby and Cllr Jane Hanna OBE. (Image: Ed Nix)

Oxfordshire County Council’s Joint Health Overview Scrutiny Committee (JHOSC) have observed the plans which will be pitched to residents in May.

Cllr Jane Hanna OBE, Chair of JHOSC, believes these plans will impress the public when they are revealed next month.

"From the engagement work since last June, I expect the public will be pleased that there is a plan for a major refurbishment of the Community Hospital,” she said.

“Popular services that have saved residents thousands of journeys to hospitals in Oxford will be given a permanent future with a plan to maximise access to outpatient clinics in the Wantage area.

“A stakeholder group on Monday was updated about the recommendations in the report that since January have been formally accepted by Oxford Health and the Integrated Health Board and supported by all partners.

This is Oxfordshire: Wantage Community Hospital on Garston Lane.Wantage Community Hospital on Garston Lane. (Image: Ed Nix)

The latest news regarding dates suggests that the sum of £600,000 could be claimed in June.

“The NHS Estates Department are drawing up architectural plans which will lead to a cost estimation and outline plan so that vital CIL funding of £600,000, provisionally set aside, can be claimed in June,” added Cllr Hanna.

“Local NHS system partners have been focused on Wantage with detailed dialogue underway with Oxford University Hospital Trust about a sustainable mix of clinics and stakeholders heard on Monday about planned public engagement.

“It is expected certain phases of this work to be able to claim the funds will be concluded by June.”

This is Oxfordshire: £600,000 could be claimed for the hospital.£600,000 could be claimed for the hospital. (Image: Ed Nix)

The NHS update, which was released on Thursday, April 4, outlined where the money would be targeted.

“The redevelopment of the ground floor of the hospital will involve investing in existing clinical spaces to provide staff and patients with modern fit for purpose spaces and better access and improved experience,” read the release.

“[It will also] create additional clinical space on the ground floor to enable services to be expanded.”

Cllr Jenny Hannaby, chair of Wantage Town Council health committee, said this earlier this year: "The proposals, when delivered, will bring in an era where thousands of people can access a mix of specialist services for young and old, and this could save over 30,000 journeys by residents who would otherwise have to travel to the John Radcliffe.”