Fresh plans have been lodged to introduce hundreds of new homes, car parking spaces and a nursery in an Oxfordshire village despite concerns of a "development creep".

Applicant Carter Jonas LLP has submitted an application for outline planning permission to Cherwell District Council as part of a wider masterplan allocated by the council for development in Yarnton.

Developers would like to introduce 120 units of retirement living accommodation, a new 90-space nursery and a two-tier decked car park with around 270 car parking spaces.

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The proposals also include 39 cycle parking spaces for the existing garden centre, around 115 staff and visitor cycle parking spaces across the site, proposed landscaping, pedestrian and cycle links and 10 two-storey dwellings accessed from Sandy Lane.

This is Oxfordshire: Proposed new development.Proposed new development. (Image: Cherwell District Council.)

Ian Middleton, a Green councillor for Yarnton, is sceptical about elements of the new application having previously criticised other council plans to build hundreds of new homes on land in the village.

Mr Middleton said: "This is a further example of development creep as it would increase the number of houses in the area.

"The proposals for a multi-storey car park are the most concerning, not only because of its visual impact but also because it’s at odds with current policies for the site that seek to reduce the reliance on the car as the primary mode of transport.

"On a positive note, having the nursery sited so close to the retirement home is a nice touch as it’s been shown that interaction between those two age ranges is mutually beneficial.

This is Oxfordshire: Ian Middleton.Ian Middleton. (Image: Ed Nix.)

"I’d also raise concerns about the number of former garden centres that have morphed into proxy department stores, often with very little in the way of planning control being applied.

"This can have impacts on a local community as well as pulling trade away from more traditional shopping areas and high streets.

"The Homes and Gardens site is being referenced in the plans as a ‘community hub’ but it remains to be seen what that means in practice."

The 4.88 hectare site, used as a garden centre and associated land for external sales, storage and car parking, would retain the existing centre and associated car parking, but in a modified fashion.

A planning statement says: "The proposal is a very carefully considered mixed-use scheme that introduces new residential dwellings, a retirement living area and a new nursery, while maintaining the existing Yarnton Home and Garden centre.

This is Oxfordshire: Yarnton Home & Garden centre.Yarnton Home & Garden centre. (Image: Google Maps.)

"The entire site will be stitched together with a new landscaping scheme, providing amenity spaces and meaningful environmental enhancement.

"The existing, much-loved, garden centre is at the heart of the development and additional community spaces are also included to benefit the new and existing users.

"The proposal also addresses the need for connectivity across the PR8 Site and surrounding area while reflecting the character and architectural features of Yarnton."

We have approached Cherwell District Council and the applicant Carter Jonas LLP for comment.