Oxford residents are being urged to share experiences of anti-social behaviour.

The victims’ commissioner for England and Wales launched a survey to improve understanding of victims’ plight.

Commissioner Baroness Newlove believes individuals enduring persistent anti-social behaviour lack sufficient support, including formal acknowledgements and access to support services.

She suffered the loss of her husband Garry following an enduring campaign of youth violence and anti-social conduct.

Garry Newlove was murdered by a gang of youths outside their home in Warrington in 2007.

Baroness Newlove said: "As I know only too well, experiencing persistent anti-social behaviour can be like a living nightmare.

"As victims’ commissioner, one of my priorities is ensuring victims of anti-social behaviour feel heard, respected and supported when they come forward."

The event led her to campaign for change, culminating in her attaining a position in the House of Lords in 2010.

She is now pushing for support for victims in an amendment to the Victims and Prisoners Bill.

The survey closes on April 3 and can be completed on the victims’ commissioner’s website.

This initiative comes as victims’ legislation is currently going through Parliament.

The survey concentrates on the nature of anti-social behaviour, experiences of reporting, support received by victims, and their experiences with the Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review process.

Anti-social behaviour includes any deliberate actions intended to disrupt the peace and safety of others, ranging from nuisance to acts of harassment.