Banbury's MP recently toured a wine distributor's new Bicester office, marking 10 years since the company was formed.

Victoria Prentis' visit to North South Wines coincided with the 10th anniversary since founder Kim Wilson established the firm, which now employs a team of 27 and occupies Bicester Heritage's refurbished old Guard House.

Ms Prentis said: "It was great to visit leading wine distributors North South Wines earlier this month at their new premises in Bicester.

This is Oxfordshire: Kim Wilson and Victoria PrentisKim Wilson and Victoria Prentis (Image: Victoria Prentis)

"I met Kim Wilson and Tim Carlisle, along with representatives from The Wine and Spirit Trade Association.

"I enjoyed hearing about Kim’s journey building the business, which has gone from strength to strength.

“Kim is extremely community-minded and is proud to have secured her company B Corp status for its work on sustainability and transparency."