Police and paramedics are attending an incident at a block of flats in Abingdon.

Neighbours saw as many six police cars arrive in Spenlove Close, off Dunmore Road, after 3pm. 

Staff from South Central Ambulance are also on scene at the incident, along with a forensics officer. 

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The forensics officer could be seen getting equipment from a van before going into the block of flats.

This is Oxfordshire: A forensics officer in Spenlove CloseOne neighbour said: "We saw the police cars arrive in the afternoon and the ambulance. It's worrying, but we don't know what happened."

There didn't appear to be a cordon in place outside the flats but two officers were guarding the entrance.

Spenlove Close is close to Tilsley Park leisure centre, which is on the opposite side of Dunmore Road.

Thames Valley Police have been contacted for comment.