A JURY in the murder trial of a 30-year-old man in Oxford has been taken through his last movements the night he died.

Jorge Carreno was found dead at Parson's Pleasure, a popular naked male bathing spot near the centre of Oxford, on July 26, 2021.

For two years, police had no leads on what had happened with Mr Carreno, a BMW Plant worker, and an inquest ruled his death as ‘open-ended’ due to a lack of evidence.

READ MORE: 'Murder victim' warned city is 'dangerous place' hours before death

A CCTV image of a person last seen with Mr Carreno was released as part of an appeal.

It is the prosecution’s case, in a trial at Oxford Crown Court, that the figure seen with Mr Carreno is Scarlet Blake, a 25-year-old from Crotch Crescent, Marston.

Prosecutor Alison Morgan KC told a jury that police believe she may have strangled Mr Carreno before pushing him into the water. Blake has denied the charge.

In the trial on Thursday (February 8), the jury were taken through Mr Carreno’s last movements.

READ MORE: 'Murder victim' was 'active' and 'looking forward to future'

The timestamps and locations for Mr Carreno are:

2am: Leaves Cow and Creek pub

2.09am: Catches up with friends in Queen Street and says goodbye before walking back towards Westgate

3.16am: Seen leaning against a wall in Worcester Street.

3.20am: Seen near a bus stop in Gloucester Green

3.33am: He drops his wallet in St Giles

3.48am: He enters Radcliffe Square

4.47am: Walking past Linacre College with 'mystery figure'

4.31am: Arrives at Parsons Pleasure

It is then alleged that Blake left her home and was walking around Oxford until coming across Mr Carreno. Ms Morgan KC said there is no reason to believe the pair had met before.

This is Oxfordshire:

Her alleged movements are:

2.28am: Leaves her home

3.35am: Walks past Linacre College

3.43am: Walks past Lamb and Flag in St Giles

3.50am: Pauses at Ship Street

3.53am: Pauses at Cornmarket Street

3.56am: Emerges from Turl Street

3.59am: Looks down Catte Street

4am: Walking into Radcliffe Square

4.47am: Walking past Linacre College with 'mystery figure'

4.31am: Arrives at Parsons Pleasure

The trial continues.