Dozens of Oxford Brookes students and staff organised a sit-in protest at the university to raise awareness of forthcoming course closures and staff redundancies.

The campaigners brought their cardboard placards to the Forum, a community area in the John Henry Brookes building, and sat on the floor for around two hours.

This is Oxfordshire: Oxford Brookes students and staff stage sit-in protest at the universityOxford Brookes students and staff stage sit-in protest at the university (Image: Yuri Lewinski)

It is alleged the protest took place in this manner because the university did not want any disruptions on campus.

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Yuri Lewinski, organiser of the protest, said: “The turnout was about 35 students and 10-15 staff members.

“We’ve had some engagement on social media and some positive impacts; apparently the chancellor – not the vice chancellor making the decisions – has caught wind of the issue and is now also investigating.

“We’ve also had a meeting with the University and College Union and they are looking into our options.”

A spokesperson for Oxford Brookes said: “The consultation period with staff will run from November 14 to January 17 2024.”


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This story was written by Matthew Norman, he joined the team in 2022 as a Facebook community reporter.

Matthew covers Bicester and focuses on finding stories from diverse communities.

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