There are calls for traffic lights to be installed on a notoriously dangerous roundabout in Oxford to counter the effects of "large increases" in congestion.

A fresh Labour county council motion has also suggested opening up LTN roads to help combat the levels of traffic in the city.

Proposals come from councillor Michael O'Connor of the University Parks division and form part of a claim that "the council has not effectively engaged Oxford's communities on transport".

Suggestions will be discussed at a council meeting next Tuesday morning.

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The motion reads: "The council has not effectively engaged Oxford's communities on transport.

This is Oxfordshire: Labour councillor Michael O'Connor is of the University Parks division.Labour councillor Michael O'Connor is of the University Parks division. (Image: Oxfordshire County Council.)

"Too many feel their communities have been divided, their voices not heard, and concerns ignored."

The motion urges the council to "investigate opening a direct route for motor traffic between Iffley Road, Cowley Road and St. Clement's, such as Rectory Road and Marston Street, to facilitate traffic dispersion".

It also calls for the authority to "investigate installing traffic lights on The Plain to improve traffic flow".

Some people living in the area have branded the call a "panic reaction" calling it "extremely late and insufficient".

John Skinner was an Independent candidate for the St Mary's ward in 2022 and has now joined the newly formed Independent Oxford Alliance Party.

Mr Skinner said: "I think you need more than one street open and there should be a better-integrated approach.

This is Oxfordshire: County HallCounty Hall (Image: Ed Nix.)

"LTNs are causing major delays at all the hospitals and this proposal doesn't really resolve that.

"The motion is probably an admission that LTNs are not working and we need a much more radical solution."

The IOA candidate added that his "gut instinct" told him traffic lights would not lighten congestion at the roundabout.

Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) were implemented with the aim of reducing traffic in residential areas but have proved controversial in Oxford.

A Conservative county councillor had proposed a motion to remove some LTNs at a meeting on October 7 but Labour councillors put forward a motion asking the council to look at removing the congestion around the LTNs, rather than getting rid of the actual scheme itself.

Mr O'Connor told the Oxford Mail: "Although they haven’t increased congestion in many parts of the city, LTNs have increased congestion in very specific ways, such as by funnelling traffic down Iffley, Cowley and St Clement’s, making buses slower.

"Some places around the ring road have felt disconnected from the city.

"The motion isn’t about ripping out LTNs or dying on a hill in their defence.

"It’s about pointing out that some things aren’t working and saying: here’s what we could do.

"Congestion in Oxford has been increasing for a long time.

"A report from 2013 noted that the road network was already at capacity.

"We need city-wide solutions."

Oxfordshire County Council said it would not comment on the motion before it is presented in the meeting.