A CHEF has been accused of rape in an incident after handing in his notice.

Heliton Barboza had finished his last shift at The Ivy Oxford Brasserie on December 15, 2021, and allegedly raped a woman inside her home after his leaving drinks.

The pair had a drink together at a pub and the 25-year-old left before the woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons.

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She carried on drinking before walking home to find the defendant waiting outside. The woman said she has a ‘vague memory’ of the defendant performing a sexual act on her but awoke the next day in pain.

The chef, who had been due to fly home to Brazil for Christmas, denies the allegation and told police the pair had consensual sex.
Barboza, of Kern Hill Road, Oxford, is now standing trial at Oxford Crown Court.

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Opening the case, the prosecutor Mitchell Cohen said the pair had been at the Half Moon pub in St Clement’s Street.

Mr Cohen said: “She then left the pub and walked home in an inebriated state. She had no memory of leaving the pub but can be seen [on CCTV] walking along the Cowley Road, bumping into doors and walls.”

While walking home, two friends bumped into the woman and helped her back to her home where they found Barboza waiting with his motorcycle.

They told him the woman was ‘in no state to do or say anything’ and that he should leave.

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However, Barboza and the woman entered the property alone.

Mr Cohen said: “She remembers waking the next morning in a state of undress and there was a huge amount of blood on her sheets and bedding.

“She also had bruising on her body, on her arms and legs.”

The woman told her friend what she believed had happened and the police were contacted. Barboza denied the allegations during the first police interview.

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A forensic scientist then found Barboza’s DNA on the bed sheets in July 2022.

Barboza was bought in for a second interview and he said the pair had sex but it was consensual and that the woman had been ‘willing and participating’ throughout. He added that they were both sober.

Mr Cohen told the jury that they may feel that this case ‘is all about consent’.

Barboza denies the charges. The trial continues.