West Oxfordshire District Council is consulting on its budget plans for the 2024/25 financial year.

Decisions on the budget will be taken at a meeting in February 2024.

The council said that "like many other councils, we are facing a financial challenge as a result of increasing inflation and reduced funding".

It said rising costs of fuel, increased cost to run buildings and increased staff pay means it now costs much more to run services than it did before inflation started to increase.

"On top of that we have seen our funding from the government reduce in real terms by around 60 per cent in the past 10 years," it said.

"We are also expecting our government funding to be further reduced as a result of a shake up of local government funding in the next few years."

But it said: "We have managed to save some money in the past, which allows us to cover next year's budget gap from our reserves.

"However, to address this challenge we are also actively looking for ways to reduce costs and increase income to manage our budget for the following year and into the future."

West Oxfordshire District Council receives 10p in every £1 of residents' council tax to provide the services it is responsible for.

The consultation closes on Monday December 18. Go to Budget consultation 2024 to 2025 - West Oxfordshire District Council (westoxon.gov.uk)