Nine-year-old Kyrie has won the competition to design the council chair’s official Christmas card this year.

Her winning design, which features a festive tree decorated with Santa hats and presents, was chosen for its great design but also it's well-chosen words inside.

Kyrie, from Tower Hill Community Primary School in Witney, said: “I thought that it wasn’t worth entering the competition as I never win anything.”

The competition was launched by Councillor Andrew Coles, chair of West Oxfordshire District Council.

He said; “I received some amazing designs for consideration. All the entries were brilliant and were extremely hard to judge because of the excellent standard.

“Kyrie won the competition for not just a well-designed card but also some very well thought out words we should all consider this Christmas such as 'kind', 'courage', and 'peace'.

"Thank you and well done to all the pupils who produced such wonderful designs.”

Kyrie received a round of applause from her Tower Hill schoolmates when Councillor Coles presented her with a book token for a local bookshop during a school assembly.