A local teacher and her partner are embarking on a 2650-mile hike from Canada to Mexico and are hoping to raise money for charity.

Sarah-Ellen Wooller, a former secondary school teacher at Bartholomew School, Eynsham, and Richard Fletcher, ex-head of surfacing at Williams F1, resigned from their long-standing careers to tackle the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT), which covers Washington, Oregon and California.

There is the option to go northbound or southbound.

Ms Wooller and Mr Fletcher chose to hike southbound from Canada to Mexico.

This is Oxfordshire: Sarah-Ellen Wooller and Richard FletcherSarah-Ellen Wooller and Richard Fletcher (Image: Sarah-Ellen Wooller and Richard Fletcher)

To complete the journey, both individuals needed permits, which come with strong competition.

The pair were fortunate to obtain their PCT permits with start dates just two days apart.

Equipped with rucksacks weighing between 25 to 45lbs, containing food and camping gear, the southbound expedition is a demanding endeavour.

Teacher turned adventurer, Ms Wooller, said: "We've both climbed the managerial ladder and enjoyed the view but now it was time to climb some other mountains."

In the wake of personal and global events, including her sister's Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis and the Covid-19 pandemic, Ms Wooller and Mr Fletcher decided to re-evaluate their lifestyle.

As such, they made the move of resigning from their jobs, focused on making the most of a five-month break on the PCT.

However, the trip isn't just about personal reflection; it's also a fundraising mission.

Sarah is raising cash for three causes close to her heart.

She hopes to allocate 60 per cent of the raised funds towards new private Multiple Sclerosis (MS) treatments for her sister, Amy.

She also plans to distribute the rest of the funds, 20 per cent each, between Bartholomew Young Carers and The MS Society.

The fundraising campaign details are available via their blog, located at www.fletchlivesonthetrail.com, where you can also follow their journey.

Having started on June 26, 2023, Ms Wooller and Mr Fletcher have only 180 miles remaining on the challenging trail.

According to the Pacific Crest Trail Association, between 15 per cent and 35 per cent of hikers successfully navigate the 100-marathons-in-length trail.

This massive undertaking is equivalent to Mount Everest's ascent 16 times and involves risks such as severe weather, dehydration and potentially deadly wildlife.

Mr Fletcher is no stranger to daunting hikes, having already completed the Appalachian Trail, a total of 2183 miles, in 2014.

With only five per cent of PCT hikers choosing the southbound route, the couple's venture is an extraordinary feat.

Individuals who want to help Ms Wooller and Mr Fletcher with their charitable causes can follow their journey and make a donation on their blog.