An Oxford company has launched a campaign to support other Oxfordshire businesses excel.

The Business Super League, created by The Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (OxLEP), aims to assist local organisations in achieving business success with a powerhouse of free and tailored support - the Business Support Tool.

Using this tool, small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can unlock admission into the OxLEP Business Super League.

Once inside, they can utilise vast, fully funded business support, including mentorship sessions, networking events, workshops, and a customised Business Support Action Plan.

Since embracing OxLEP's offerings, family business, Darcica Logistics, has advanced in their exploration of unique business boosts.

Specialising in cost-effective and sustainable ecommerce fulfilment, storage and delivery services, the company has a 20-year background in transport logistics and environmental management.

Their journey with OxLEP started with a free completion of the online Business Support Tool.

They have since enlisted in several OxLEP programs.

One of such is the Business Investment Fund program which came to an end in March 2023.

Under the program, they won funding for their 'Greening Logistics' project, which helped streamline their operations and reduce carbon footprint.

In addition, they received specialist advice to orchestrate a forward-thinking business vision.

The company participated in the now concluded eScalate program where they took the opportunity to network and share experiences with other businesswomen at the Women in Business event.

The company founders, Anthony and Melanie, also gained knowledge in general business support webinars on maintaining business growth amidst an ever-fluctuating business terrain.

The company has multiplied its staff strength from a pair to a team of 25.

It continuously takes on local, sustainable businesses as customers, eager to assist on sustainability paths.

OxLEP showered recognition on Darcica's impact at a June 2023 Business Celebration Event, where they clinched the 'Most impactful new product or service organisation' award.

OxLEP reports that 95 per cent of start-ups would endorse their support services.

To take part in the campaign, or to find out more, visit OxLEP's website.