Stressed parents will stage a protest over an unsafe road near a pre-school which has become “a heated rat run for cars and lorries.”

Quarry Hallow, a narrow 20mph residential road in the Headington Quarry conservation area, will be the site of the protest calling for a “permanent traffic solution to keep kids safe.”

One of the parents leading the calls is Bethany Shiner, a senior lecturer in law at Middlesex University.

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She said: “The road has recently turned into a heated rat run for cars and lorries zooming off the A-road.

“Navigation systems send massive lorries down that road and they follow blindly despite the signs saying no HGVs.

“Cars, vans and lorries have begun mounting the pavement to get past one another when it is busy two-way traffic.

"This is putting children and parents walking down the very narrow pavement at risk.

“There have been altercations and near misses.

“The council has not done anything except place cones there, but drivers get out of the cars and remove them.”

In response to these comments, a spokesman for Oxfordshire County Council said: “Our traffic teams are working with the local community to improve safety for pedestrians in Quarry Hollow while a footpath is closed, and will continue to do so.

“The feedback we have received is that the cones have helped the situation and we are considering keeping them in operation next year, once the pre-school reopens.”

Parents will gather for the protest on Wednesday, December 6 from 8am to 9am.


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This story was written by Matthew Norman, he joined the team in 2022 as a Facebook community reporter.

Matthew covers Bicester and focuses on finding stories from diverse communities.

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