Thames Valley Police's roads team dealt with over 20 offenders during patrols yesterday (Thursday, November 30).

Three police constables and and a sergeant were completing dedicated patrols on the A34 and the M40 in unmarked and marked vehicles. 

During this time they issued 14 tickets to drivers for being on mobile phones, two tickets to speeders.

One was travelling at 107mph and the other at 83mph in a 50mph zone.

Officers also dealt with one motorist driving through a red light, one for driving in a bus lane and another for not wearing a seat belt. 

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Additionally, one wanted male was identified and further arrested for driving on a revoked licence and failing a drug wipe for cannabis.

A drug driver was arrested after being stopped for not wearing a seatbelt and failing a drug wipe for cannabis.

A drink and drug driver was also arrested after being stopped for being on their mobile phone and then failing a drug wipe for cocaine and cannabis as well as blowing 59 on the breathalyser.