An Oxford secondary school has been "transformed" as staff improved an 'inadequate' rating to a 'good’ rating after an inspection by Ofsted.

In their report, inspectors commended the Greyfriars Catholic School in Cowley for the high standard of education on show.

The school, previously named St Gregory the Great Catholic School, was graded as 'inadequate' in October 2019.

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Inspectors recognised the determination of staff who “have been resolute in transforming the school”.

The report adds that parents and pupils are “very positive about the improvements” that have been made.

This is Oxfordshire: Greyfriars Catholic School gets 'good' Ofsted rating

It added: “They value the productive learning environment where behaviour is positive and there are many exciting opportunities for all.

“Those responsible for governance have also strongly supported the school through this recent period of significant change.

“They provide the appropriate support and challenge as the school collectively focuses on the key improvement priorities.”

Inspectors also noted that the school “has an ambitious curriculum".

The report said "in each subject, planning clearly sets out what pupils are expected to learn to achieve well”.

It adds that pupils “enjoy the calm and respectful environment that helps them to study and learn”.

Safeguarding in the school has also been seen as effective and inspectors praised the extent to which the school "has created an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts pupils’ interests first".

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Headteacher Lyndsey Caldwell said: “This report is a wonderful acknowledgement of the commitment and drive of the pupils and staff at Greyfriars Catholic School.

“We are so proud of our pupils and the way they live out the Greyfriars way.

This is Oxfordshire: Headteacher Lyndsey Caldwell Headteacher Lyndsey Caldwell (Image: Greyfriars Catholic School)“We know that our school is not the building but the people and this report shows how we have all worked together as a community to create an ambitious school that we can all be immensely proud of.

“I would like to thank our staff team who have worked tirelessly to transform the school and I am delighted that this report recognises their determination and relentless effort.

“Thank you too to all the families, governors and Pope Francis MAC colleagues for their support. Together, we are a powerful Greyfriars team.”

Chair of governors, Mick Quigley said: “We are delighted with this Ofsted Report and welcome the recognition it gives for the great work being done by the staff and students at Greyfriars.”

Fraser Long, catholic senior executive leader of the Pope Francis MAC, said: “This is a wonderful Ofsted report for Greyfriars, and external verification of the incredible hard work that all who are involved with the school have done to transform Greyfriars, led by our inspirational headteacher, Lyndsey Caldwell.”