Climate campaigners braved the rain to demonstrate in Oxford city centre.

People gathered in Bonn Square yesterday lunchtime in protest of the Government 'greenwashing' - pretending to be greener than it really is.

The demonstration was held ahead of COP26, the global climate conference to be held in Glasgow in November.

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The Government is hosting the conference, and protesters say Boris Johnson claiming the UK is a ‘world leader’ in tackling climate change is greenwashing.

Extnction Rebellion capaigner Joanna Gill said: "This is greenwashing. While other countries, such as France and Denmark, are stopping investment in new fossil fuel production, the UK is licensing new oil and gas exploration in the North Sea.

"This is in spite of the advice from the International Energy Agency that exploitation and development of new oil and gas fields must stop this year – or the climate will really spin out of control."

This is Oxfordshire:

The campaigners put up a washing line of green clothes, spelling out ‘GREENWASH’, and played out a sketch of two women ‘greenwashing’ clothes in a tub, using powder from a large box of ‘greenwashing powder’ called Denial.

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