A POLICE officer ran around a village for the whole day yesterday to raise money for a pancreatic cancer charity.

Tom Chalk, from Chinnor, started the 24-hour challenge at 8am.

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He is an officer in Aylesbury Vale and wore his black public order uniform weighing in at around 17kg along with helmet and shield for the entire run.

Mr Chalk ran one mile laps around the village for 24 hours, completing 74 miles once the day was up.

The challenge is all in aid of raising money and awareness of pancreatic cancer and specifically for #ShieldRun74 - an initiative set up by his colleague Loz East who is a police sergeant in Oxford.

Mr East was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in September 2020. Despite his life being turned upside down, he has set about raising awareness of this deadly disease that kills 24 people every day and is fundraising to beat it for good.

He has already raised more than £12,000 for Pancreatic Cancer UK.  

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Mr East also ran a mile a day for 24 days with his son Jacob, kayaked the Thames and cycled overnight from London to Brighton whilst receiving chemotherapy treatment. He has also joined Mr Chalk for some of his challenge yesterday.

More information on #ShieldRun74 and a link to donate can be found at https://shieldrun.org/  

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