IT'S the night before Christmas at Scroogeways supermarket, but the embittered store manager Wilameana Scrooge is showing no signs of festive spirit whatsoever.

That is until a basket full of spooky bargain products spring to life to show her the error of her ways.

For their 2019 Christmas show, Oxford's Wild Boor Ideas theatre and puppetry company are staging their own furry version of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, transposed into a modern-day supermarket.


The show, for families with children aged from two-to-seven years, is being performed by three live actors – Amantha Edmead, Emma Boor and Ceri Ashcroft – joined by the store’s animated groceries including an aged Brussels sprout.

Supermarket Scrooge runs at the Jacqueline du Pre Music Building December 14 – 23.

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