You say the side-effects of Epiphen is liver problems. How long does the dog have to be on Epiphen for this to happen?

P. Bennett


Dear P. Bennett,
Epiphen is a barbiturate and all barbiturates given over a fairly prolonged period of time will cause actual death of liver cells- in the most serious cases leading to cirrhosis and liver failure. These really severe cases are very rare and such damage would probably only occur if there were other disease processes present also stressing the liver. In any event at the dose levels used in epilepsy it is unlikely that too muach damage will occur. It is advisable, however, to have liver assay blood tests done on a regular basis (at least yearly and preferably every 6 months) and adjust doses or change medication if there is evidence of liver problems. This will then allow the liver to recover as the organ has the ability to grow new functional cells.

Andrew Geldard