I READ your article on the recycling of 10p bags. I've always used the 10p bag to help with my shopping, (it's a good idea, to be able to exchange them). I hang it on the handle of my mobility scooter to put my bread in and "squashables".

I also have a use for the carrier bags. I cut them into strips and knit them into a peg bag, I had a bad cold for two weeks and couldn't go out to buy a new peg bag.

That's when, out of boredom, that I remembered years ago, at my club someone had the idea to do just that, to sell for funds for the club.

Mind you, if you have arthritis in your hands it's not something you want to do at 79 years for pleasure, because it's a bit tricky to start off with.

Well, don't say they don't get recycled in this house.


Walcot East, Swindon