HOW we love to grumble, and it's oh so easy, drinking tea and having a real old go at things. But really, that's not enough, we must do something.

The other day I was passing a lovely family group, a couple of young men pushing prams, their womenfolk and older children walking alongside.

Mentally I was admiring them when one of the men, in quite a matter of fact way, used the most appalling language.

I tapped his shoulder and said 'That's hardly the talk those children should be hearing'.

He immediately said Oops, so sorry Margo' but it's not me he needed to apologise to, it was the children.

It is so scary that words that once shocked us to the core are now falling into common usage. Perhaps we should all start a Clean up your conversation' campaign.

Are you with me?

Television is the biggest culprit. Even shows that you once felt you could watch with complete confidence are now full of innuendo and barely concealed smut.

Being caring and loyal is portrayed as being uncool' and it's even considered clever to make fun of tradition.

Bill, my dad and brothers were in the forces and of a generation who were bound by duty, and devotion, not only to country, but to family and friends.

Those men in the Army, the Air Force, or the Navy, had a fierce loyalty to their company, ship or crew - with no deviation.

Loyalty was absolute and should there come a time when we lost all that, we will have lost everything, and our Great Britain will no longer be Great.