Residents of Stanwell Village will remember their fight to remove the caravans from the site on the green belt behind Gleneagles Close/Park Road, Stanwell Village.

The Spelthorne Borough Council (reference 06/00586/FUL) achieved removal of the illegal caravan site but the judge at the High Court ruled that each party should pay their own costs.

The outcome was that the land owners gave an undertaking (a binding promise to be signed on behalf of the parties and then sealed by the court) to the effect that.

They would not permit the caravans to return to the land.

They would remove hard-standing. They would not use a stable block for washing facilities.

Residents will also remember reference 05/00056/ENF that at the rear of Park Road the single mobile home at this location was dealt with on appeal by HM Inspector reference APP/Z3635/C/05/2001682.

The Inspector varied the period for compliance to nine months. The compliance date was therefore July 4, 2006.

Obviously this is the same Green Belt site for both issues, but now states land behind the school house, Park Road instead of Gleneagles Close and if you wish to object you should do so to The Planning Inspectorate, Room 3/03 Kite Way, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6PN quoting APP/A/07/2040329N.

It is proposed to change use of the land for the stationing of a single caravan for residential purposes with associated hard standing and septic tank. We must ask, is there never going to be a resolution to this problem, closure and the court agreement implemented. I will be writing on your behalf as usual.

Councillor Jack Pinkerton Stanwell North Ward