Subsidies for washable nappies are actually unlikey to bring any significant improvements to our environment (Green MEP calls for subsidies for washable nappies, 14th March).

A recent Environment Agency report showed that there is little to no difference between the environmental impact of disposable nappies and re-usable ones. This is because re-usable nappies damage the environment in other ways, such as the energy and water taken to wash and dry them, the use of detergents and even the extra pollution caused by nappy "wash & delivery" companies.

The Absorbent Hygiene Products Manufactures Association says disposable nappies actually make up just 0.1% of solid waste, and improvements to modern nappies have decreased their weight by 40% over the past 15 years.

So, if there is no clear winner, surely we should leave consumers alone to choose the type of nappy they prefer and encourage the manufacturers of disposables to make them more environmentally friendly? We certainly should not use more taxpayers money to subsidise an alternative that is equally damaging to our environment.

If disposable nappies could be incinerated in cleaner waste-to-energy plants they would not go to landfill, and might actually create energy for London homes.

Yours sincerely Syed Kamall Conservative MEP for London Kingsmill Business Park Chapel Mill Lane Kingston KT1 3GZ