In Hitler's Germany it was the Nazis; in Italy Mussolini's fascist; in Britain Moseley's union of fascists.

Today it is the BNP: That anyone should have given them their vote I find astounding.

When we think of the millions murdered by these vile people - World War 2, the concentration camps, gas chambers, the organized murder of millions of men, women and children - we must recognize what evil the BNP represent.

I was surprised that anyone, even a tiny minority, should have voted for this scum.

Let these fascists: preachers of ethnic and race hate never be allowed to rise again.

There is no place for fascism in a humane society.

To have compassion, to love one another, for the strong to protect the weak is to be human. But the BNP: the fascists, lack companion, lack humanity.

For them only the strong are fit to survive.

These Neodarwinists given power, as in 1930s Germany, would destroy us all.

We must recognize these present day Nazis for what poison they are.

We fought the last World War to end Hitler's Nazi filth that nearly brought the world to disaster, we must not allow his BNP followers to destroy our (however imperfect) democracy.

Isaac Street, Halesowen