GABRIEL Chamberlain has finished his tree protest in Bonn Square, Oxford, and is understood to have been arrested by police.

Mr Chamberlain, 34, is understood to have come down from his perch in a tree in the city centre square at about 11am today.

It came as city council lawyers were at Oxford County Court seeking a possession order to evict him.

Police spokesman Vicky Brandon said he had been arrested on suspicion of aggravated trespass, but witnesses at the scene said he came down because he needed some form of medical treatment.

They said he was now seeing a doctor.

Mr Chamberlain had been up the sycamore tree for 12 days, trying to stop it being felled as part of the £1.5m redevelopment scheme for the square.

He had said: "It's not just about saving the tree, but about saving the planet."

Two other people have been protesting in the tree over the weekend.

Mrs Brandon said a woman was arrested on suspicion of aggravated trespass at 2.20am on Sunday. She has been bailed.

A man was arrested on suspicion of the same offence at 4.30pm yesterday.

The city council has won its possession order this morning.

Two protesters had also been up trees near the Westgate car park, trying to stop council felling there. They have both ended their latest sit-in.