SPEEDING cars, antisocial behaviour and cycling on pavements are the key issues police need to tackle in Headington, Oxford, according to residents.

A public consultation carried out by the police's neighbourhood team found these issues as the priorities that people wanted addressed.

The survey came ahead of the formation of a new Neighbourhood Action Group (Nag) for Headington, which comes into operation on Wednesday.

PC Chris Miles, from the neighbourhood team, said: "We had about 150 questionnaires returned by residents as well as the public consultation meeting we held at Oxford Brookes University where people came along and gave their opinions.

"We've let the residents choose the things that they feel is most important to them and their area, so these are things we will be focusing on.

"Obviously, these are not the only things we will be looking at, but they are the top three things that we'll look to tackle with the city council, environmental health and the other bodies that make up the Nag."

PC Miles said the next step would be to highlight the locations where the issues raised were a problem.

He said: "I've got an idea where these problems are ongoing, but we really want to hear from local residents and find out where they think we need to look.

"With residents help we can go and investigate the issues and see what action can be taken to reduce the problem.

"I fully expect people to say that speeding is a problem along the London Road, but we're also aware that it's a problem along the side road and we want to hear from people in those areas."

The officer said a follow-up consultation would be held after six months to see if there had been an impact on the issues and to identify other areas of concern.

Ruth Daley, 55, of London Road, said: "I think the issues raised are definitely ones that affect everyone who lives in Headington in one way or another and I'm pleased to see they are being addressed."

Jack Wheddon, of Quarry High Street, said antisocial behaviour definitely needed tackling.

Mr Wheddon, 40, said: "Recently there have been a series of vandalism attacks on cars down this road and I will definitely be contacting the police to inform them of the problem."

Anyone who wants to contact the new Nag can do so by sending an email to headingtonnorth@thamesval ley.pnn.police.uk, or, call PC Miles on 08458 505505.