Updated: Botley Road back to normal after emergency Thames Water works completed

OXFORD'S motorists are suffering yet again on the Botley Road this afternoon with roadworks leading to long delays throughout the city. 

Three-way traffic lights have been set up at the junction with Ferry Hinksey Road with tailbacks stretching past Frideswide Square and as far as Seacourt Park & Ride. 


Thames Water has confirmed that a burst water main in Botley Road is causing the problem. 

Workers are on site trying to fix the issue and have fenced off the area.

A spokesman said staff were first attempting to turn off a valve further down the road to cut the water supply so emergency repairs could be carried out. 

He added: "Unless something changes, it doesn't look like it is a complex job and we are looking at completing the repairs tonight.

"Barring anything unexpected happening, we should have the road fully reopen for everyone this evening."

The problem is having a knock on effect on traffic across the city with delays reported in all central areas.