THEY say beauty is in the eye of the beholder and for Miss World contestants from more than 120 countries that was the case as they turned their cameras on themselves in Oxford yesterday.

The glamorous gathering visited the Ashmolean Museum, Radcliffe Camera and some of the University’s colleges during an educational tour of the city.

The group then descended on the Oxford Union to explain how the “Miss World” contest was about more than just beauty.

Winners of beauty pageants across the globe talked about their Beauty with a Purpose campaign, which sees them get involved in charitable projects.

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The campaign’s 10 finalists were announced last week as the contestants from England, India, Brazil, Indonesia, Kenya, Guyana, Philippines, Bolivia, South Africa and the Netherlands.

Miss England Carina Tyrrell, 24, from Cambridge, said: “Miss World enables its contestants to become agents of change and reach into the lives of the less fortunate. Beauty by itself is boring.

“Beauty opens the door, but beauty with meaning, beauty with purpose, beauty with ambition, these represent real beauty. Miss World is not just a beauty pageant now. Now it has meaning and makes a difference in our world.”

The beauties spoke about the various charitable projects they undertake in their own countries.

Miss Brazil addressed the hall about her project helping leprosy victims back home while Miss Indonesia informed the students of her work to help victims of domestic violence.

Miss Netherlands broached the subject of forced prostitution in her home country and how she is raising awareness of the problem.

Miss World 1953, Denise Perrier of France, was present and spoke about the competition she won 61 years ago.

The 64th Grand Final of Miss World 2014 will be held in London on Sunday, December 14.

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