VOLUNTEERS will be shown how to spot tell-tale signs of child grooming techniques like those used by the gang in the Operation Bullfinch trial.

An anti-trafficking campaign day will be held tomorrow at the King’s Centre in Osney Mead, West Oxford. Oxford Community Against Trafficking (OXCAT) is rallying support for the event after seven men were jailed last month for child exploitation offences in the city.

OXCAT spokesman Andy Dipper said: “Thousands of people in this city have been affected by the impact of Operation Bullfinch.

“The court case really hammered home the horror of what was going on in our neighbourhoods, outside our schools and in our streets.

“Since then OXCAT has been contacted by so many people asking ‘what can I do to stop this?’ “The conference is aimed at equipping them to deal with the problem, open their eyes, spot the signs and spread the message,” he added.

The day-long event starts at 9am and will address aspects of the trade in human beings and how volunteers can make a difference.

Speakers will include Thames Valley Police representatives, as well as anti-trafficking campaigners from Love 146 Europe and CHAB DAI Cambodia.