Kath Jasper, who runs a sugarcraft class for adults, organised a morning for 11 children recently.

She invited me along to see what they were doing.

When I arrived, part way through the class, they were all absorbed in their work.

Each was making, with Kath's help, a model of Little Miss Muffet in sugar icing.

In the kitchen was a huge platter of Kath's home-made fairy cakes as well as a big platter of apples, tangerines and bananas ready for the mid-morning break!

Each child had chosen which colour she wanted for Miss Muffet's dress and bonnet - Kath cut out the layers and the children put them in place, and made a tiny bowl and spoon for the curds and whey.

By the time the mothers arrived to collect their daughters there were 11 little Miss Muffets just being finished off and ready to go home.

The children had thoroughly enjoyed the morning and were wondering when they could do it again!