RETIRING after 21 years Beaver Scout leaders Liz and Andy Griffin took their Beaver group egg rolling in the hills for the last time this Easter.

Every year 7th Malvern Beavers decorate hard boiled eggs and have fun rolling them down from Happy Valley.

"It's always really good fun. We have a sort of egg beauty contest then the Beavers race down the hill rolling their decorated eggs with sticks and by the time we get to the bottom the eggs are in pieces and there are crows waiting to descend and eat what's left," explained Liz, adding that their traditional Easter egg race was one of the many things she would miss about being 7th Malvern's Beaver leader.

Liz and her husband Andy have been runnng 7th Malvern Beavers since 1986 and have taken care of literally hundreds of Beavers.

"We will miss it, doing daft things and having fun every Thursday evening but we think it is time to hand over to someone younger," said Liz, whose own four sons, aged between 13 and 30, were all Beavers when they were small.

Liz said they had lots of good memories of their 21 years in charge of 7th Malvern. Some of the highlights include walks in the Malvern Hills in the dark with torches, building dams in streams, making musical instruments and being conducted by William Boughton, former leader of the English Symphony Orchestra.

Past and present Beavers, parents and helpers are sorry to see them go and the colony, which meets at the scout hut on Cowleigh Bank, near St Peter's Church, now needs a new leader and new assistants to take over after Easter.

Anyone who can help keep the colony going should contact Group Scout Leader Mike Coates on 01684 862220