I AM alarmed at a report that John Millar, borough director of the urban environment, is proposing that all planning decisions involving section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, be referred to his office.

It is also alarming that this proposal is being considered by elected council members.

This is not democracy - John Millar is a public servant, he is unelected, and should be prevented from becoming a dictator.

This move, I believe, is the thin end of the wedge, to enable him and his department to impose their will on all planning in the borough.

How long would it be before the dreaded mosque would be passed, on the grounds that there was a community centre attached?

People of Dudley are not stupid, they can see John Millar's move very clearly.

Perhaps it would be a good move to replace him, and members of his department, with people who would be an asset to the borough.

A question must be asked about the council members for not throwing this proposal out, it should not be considered, and the idea of a last minute compromise shows that they are not fit to represent the people of Dudley.

Perhaps they should all resign and make way for others.

D.J.Gardner By email