WE realise that many residents of Westhoughton may welcome the addition of a new supermarket to provide people with more choice than the limited provision that exists now.

We understand that Sainsbury's have stated that they will be consulting widely on this issue before submitting a planning application. But, before people come to any decision, we would like them to consider the following points.

Cricketers Way was built specifically to act as a bypass to relieve the traffic congestion on Market Street along the A58 trunk road. The building of a supermarket in the proposed location would inevitably lead to a change in the traffic arrangements, further slowing down the traffic along this very busy main road.

The proposed site is relatively small and would not provide the anticipated range of retail products associated with a normal-sized supermarket. Any enlargement could only take place by adding the adjoining playing fields, which were provided as a replacement for those lost by the creation of Pavilion Square.

Such a development will have an effect on the viability of the few remaining shops in Westhoughton, leading to further deterioration of the town centre.

The loss of The Tyldesleys cricket ground would lead to a reduction in the amount of recreational and open space.

PPG17 states that open space and sports and recreational facilities that are of high quality, or of particular value to a local community, should be recognised and given protection by local authorities through appropriate policies in plans. The proposed relocation to The Hoskers would result in the loss of informal open space, which may affect the wildlife and biodiversity of the area.

As recreation grounds are classed as greenfield sites, planning permission for house building is difficult to obtain. If supermarkets are able to build on such sites, this will set a precedent which could result in wholesale loss of playing fields and open space throughout the Bolton borough.

We understand that this historic ground is protected by covenant, and it would be a pity if the expressed wishes of the benefactors were to be ignored, especially as we are led to believe a supermarket site was available on Pavilion Square during construction and it was rejected by a number of retail outlets, including Sainsbury's, because the catchment area was too small.

It is often the case that developments like this are short term, and business plans may change over time through mergers or takeovers. In that situation, the status of the site would become designated as previously developed land, thus ensuring that it can never revert to greenfield status.

We hope the residents of Westhoughton will carefully consider the long term as well as the short term implications of this proposal.

Cllr David Chadwick Chairman S.W.A.N. (Save Westhoughton Act Now)