I read the letter from Stephen Ward, Gullible British (Oxford Mail, September 30) and I smiled from ear to ear.

What he said made sense, but people are scared to say it in case the do-gooders point the finger and scream "racist".

The British people have put up with every nationality coming to these shores and welcomed them with open arms.

It does cause resentment, though, when the British people are treated as second-class citizens in their own country to pacify certain minorities.

Why has this been allowed to happen? What middle eastern or Asian country would bend over backwards to pacify those who enter their country?

The answer is none! So why do we do it to the detriment of our own country's individuality.

This country speaks English, all immigrants should learn it.

Everyone should pledge allegiance to this country and its Queen. If not, return to where you come from.

How can people openly criticise this country while taking benefits and threatening violence against its citizens because they do not agree with free speech?

The sooner this country's politicians wake up the better.

I am afraid my allegiance to my party has gone, as the politician involved is now playing the game of sucking up for votes.

This is why people get disillusioned. This is why people get annoyed. This is why people react.

John Monaghan, Cotman Close, Abingdon