I AM sorry to hear that Cliff Morris is confused (The Bolton News, Letters, January 12), perhaps I can help.

The speculation surrounding Ruth Kelly's commitment to Bolton West has arisen because Bolton West Conservatives have chosen a parliamentary candidate more than capable of unseating Ms Kelly who seems to be running scared. It's a topical issue and so the media have latched on to the story which wouldn't have run for so long had Ms Kelly not chosen to condemn the state education system she was recently in charge of by sending her son to a private school.

Surely it's not asking too much for Ruth Kelly to show the people of Bolton West her commitment by declaring she will stay with them for the foreseeable future. Her failure to declare her intentions will be interpreted by the media and the people as meaning she is looking elsewhere for a safer seat, perhaps in London where she lives.

At a local level the people of Bolton would rather see you delivering value for money first class services in education, environment and welfare than saying how honoured you are to serve!

It's also worth remembering when you talk about the people of Bolton putting their faith in the Labour party, that, at the local elections last year, less that 10 per cent of the population actually voted for your party and that the Conservative party had more voters.

Pat Allen, Lingmell Close, Heaton