I HAVE just read Bev Holder's report on the, as reported, pursuits course for adrenaline junkies' in the first instance I suggest that your reporter ascertains fact from fiction. Secondly Clent residents are not Up in arms and strongly opposed to the plan' because they've not had the opportunity of any discussion on the proposal - in fact I would suggest 90 per cent of Clent residents know nothing about it.

Thirdly, I see that one of the main protesters is Mrs Hazell Sheppard whose land is near to the proposed site, and is very happy to churn up the paths of the hills with her horses, presumably without making any reparation to the National Trust.

Mr Ellis's proposals will not only provide a very instructive activity, but will also provide a very useful income to the National Trust, which is much needed for the upkeep of the hills. Incidentally Mrs Sheppard is the wife of the chairman of the Clent Parish Council and seems to have obtained information intended for discussion and not intended for public disclosure at this stage. This seems to be a flagrant use of inside information, highly irregular and seems to be very much not in my backyard' - nothing to do with the real issue at all.

As far as the other protesters are concerned, I have nothing but contempt for them in that they have used information of a proposal which is still at the discussion stage with the National Trust and ultimately a public meeting of all Clent residents should have been held before anything was disclosed to the press.

This shows a lack of respect for the local people and the Clent Parish Council should be censured about the way in which they have gone about this project. They may have decided among themselves that they are opposed to the project, but they cannot speak for the Clent residents until a public meeting has been held but saying in the press what they have, has also prejudiced the proposal.

I read also that the Furlongs District Councillor Mrs Margaret Sherrey has told you that there is quite a lot of opposition to this proposal. How does she know - no one has been consulted yet, neither has Mr Ellis had the opportunity to explain his plans in detail; instead she jumps to conclusions without any real knowledge of what is planned. None of these protesters can claim to speak for the people of Clent without first having their permission and hearing all opinions. As a result they have prejudiced Mr Ellis's and the National Trust's proposals - I think this is completely out of order.

I am aware of what Mr Ellis does, and the sheer professionalism of his organisation.

This is not a free for all for adrenalin junkies' but a properly controlled, professionally carried out series of activities designed to instil management and discipline in young and more senior people. The courses will be pre-booked and I understand no more than 20 people at any one time. It should have no detrimental effect on our lovely environment.

I have not yet made up my mind, but I am persuaded by the National Trust argument that this would provide potential to engage people of all ages in properly supervised activities.

I look forward to what Mr Ellis and the National Trust have to say on Friday March 9 at the public meeting and reserve my judgement until then. Finally, I hope you feel able to send a reporter to attend this meeting on Friday March 9 at 7pm so he/she will be able to hear the true facts and be prepared to publish a retraction of all the hot air and misinformation as seen in your paper last week.

A resident of Clent